Exponor 2024
Por Agustín de Vicente , 26 de octubre de 2023 | 16:24

Opportunities in Chilean Mining: spotlight on the Antofagasta Region


The EXPONOR 2024 event emerges as a unique opportunity to delve deeper into Chile's mining and energy market.

The recent webinar titled "Opportunities for Foreign Companies in the Mining and Energy Market" emphasized the significant role of Chile, especially the Antofagasta Region, in the global mining landscape. Presentations by major industry players such as Escondida|BHP, Sierra Gorda SCM, and SQM highlighted not only the country's mineral potential but also its dedication to new technologies and a vision for carbon neutrality by 2050.

A Vision for the Future

Escondida|BHP outlined its plans for the 2022-2040 period, with initiatives centered on efficiency and sustainability, such as water use reduction and the introduction of autonomous trucks. "Our goal is to continue leading global copper production from Chile. Innovation and technology are crucial in this journey," stated Valentino Rota, Head of Planning & Technical at Escondida|BHP.

In contrast, Sierra Gorda SCM emphasized its focus on carbon neutrality, spotlighting their adoption of seawater use and renewable energies. This approach aligns with Chile's national commitment to a greener and more sustainable future.

SQM, one of the country's primary producers of lithium and iodine nitrates, announced investments totaling 379 million dollars over the next two years, with projects that strengthen its position in the global market.

Chile: A Renewable Energy Leader

According to Pablo del Canto from the Ministry of Energy, Chile ranks fourteenth among the most attractive countries for investing in renewable energies. The nation is actively driving its energy transition, focusing on Green Hydrogen as a clean and renewable energy source.

EXPONOR 2024: The Stage for Opportunities

The EXPONOR 2024 event emerges as a unique opportunity to delve deeper into Chile's mining and energy market. Backed by significant industry stakeholders and supported by governmental entities, this event promises to be the epicenter of mining opportunities in the region.

For those interested in participating and learning more about opportunities in the Antofagasta Region, secure your stand by contacting reservas@exponor.cl or calling 552 454 335.

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